Review Detail

3.4 3
New Mexico 3292
July, 2008
RT 66 Casino Photos and Info from Jim Mc. July, 2008

All the pictures were taken from about the same location. The big sign is north east of my location. The road going past in the background is I-40 and you can see the exit 140 bridge in the distance. Also in the distance is the historical Rio Puerco bridge. It is the metal arch bridge seen under the exit bridge. The RV parking is to the right of the big sign. The travel stop and truck parking area is further to the right to the south of the RV parking. The RV parking pictures which were kind of non informational since there were no RVs there. I think you can see the curbs on each side of the parking area. The RV parking exit is right at the base of the sign. The entrance is over near the travel stop.
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