Review Detail

4.5 2
Louisiana 1950
April 12,2008
report from Pat, April 12,2008

This Big Rig Friendly RV Park remains in pristine condition and one the best appointed parks we have encountered. Full hookups at Passport America Rates-- 'Watta Bargain"! Security roams constantly and conveniently stops whenever someone on foot is spotted. The Casino staff phones for shuttles for you when you are ready to return to your rig.

Sites big, level and clean on concrete with concrete tables. Nice woods bordering the property gives one a feeling of privacy. Though a bit off the beaten track, it is truly one of the most pleasant places to stop, rest and play awhile in that part of the country. While there, they had a fantastic crawfish feast with live entertainment in the lower parking garage for $5, including your beer.

The only drawback at the time of the our visit was the unworkable wifi. Apparently, it is one of the pay wifi setups that the park management disavows any knowledge of and the provider tekkies can't figure out what's wrong. We got our fee refunded "on principal" as we refuse to encourage parks to charge for "services" that don't provide service. They are getting ready for a major expansion and we look forward to a return visit for the anticipated recreation and hope that they have changed wifi providers
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