Review Detail

3.4 3
Nevada 3248
Overnight PARKING (not camping) likely OK
"...we are currently at the Orleans and have been here for the past two nights. We are not alone; there have been many rigs with us both nights, and at least one that was here when we passed by two days before that. My full report (with photos) is here:

We've seen security drive by multiple times, but so far I have seen no one issued one of the stock notices that they have been putting on RVs for years. My reading of the "No overnight parking" status listed on the main Casino Camper web site is that it was an over-reaction by one individual to such a notice. As always, they want you to look parked, not camped. That means no slides extended or jacks down, and it should go without saying that chairs, BBQs and the like should remain stowed.

Please remember that all these hotels must retain some semblance of compliance with local health codes and ordinances, and thus must avoid even the appearance of condoning living in the parking lot. Bottom line: parking is legal, camping is not. Don't make the hotel or casino have to explain this to you -- help them out by appearing parked, not camped. And if you press them to give you "permission" ahead of time, understand that you may force their hand into saying "no" -- for all they know, you're a county official testing their response."

Thanks to Sean,, for his report on the Casino Camper Yahoo! Group reprinted above.

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