Review Detail

3.8 4
Michigan 1987
Sept. 2016
Overall rating
Total Experience
RV Parking Area
Campground/RV Resort
Wonderful RV'n experience. Very RV friendly -- and FREE ! ! Elec. only, but good 30/50 amp service. Water available if you ask at the front of the casino but very tight maneuver and could not make it with 30' 5th wheel. Maybe try in the mornings before the cars get there. No dump or sewer of any type. But, you DO receive $5 slot play Each Day you register at the desk AND 2 - $5.00 BlackJack match play tickets if you want them .... they had suspended the free drink ticket because of people copying the tickets, but I asked and they had a host get me one anyway ! Lots to do in Marquette and fuel and grocery are handy. Good antenna tv stations, NPR and ESPN radio and good AT&T cell service. Hard to believe this is the same organization as in Baraga, MI, where there's a Fee and not nearly the same comps nor friendly atmosphere. NO limit on your stay - so we stayed a week until tanks were full - travel to Hilltop RV in Ispaming, MI for free water and dump. Highly Recommended ! !
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