Ojibwa Casino Marquette

3.8 (4)
1987 0 1 0 0
Ojibwa Casino Marquette

Contact Information

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Phone Number2:


105 Acre Trail
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RV Parking and Camping Information

Overnight RV Parking Allowed:
Parking Rules:
Overnight RV parking is OK
Parking Area Description:
Overnight RV Parking in the parking lot is allowed, but the parking lot has an extreme angle. However, the designated "RV Park" is free.
RV Park Available:

Campground Information

Year round.
Campground Information:
7 designated back-in RV Parking sites with electric.
Big Rig Friendly:
Site Information:
7 designated and marked back-in RV Parking sites with electric (no water or sewer). RV sites have a picnic table.

Casino Information

Types of Gaming
  • Slots
  • Table Games
  • Poker Room
Dining Options
  • Snack Shop
  • Pub

Other Information

Local Weather

Free RV Park -- Overnight RV Parking is OK too


Swap Start/End

User reviews

4 reviews
Overall rating
Total Experience
RV Parking Area
Campground/RV Resort
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July 2017
Overall rating
Total Experience
RV Parking Area
This casino is preparing for a huge addition. The RV Park was due to be shut down on July 24, 2017 but actual date depends on equipment arriving. There was mention of a new RV park as well as a hotel, entertainment center and much larger casino. There were 6 RV sites available when we arrived....one already had commercial trailer in it. Look forward to going back when work is done. Hope they keep the daily free play vouchers for RV Park use.
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Sept. 2016
Overall rating
Total Experience
RV Parking Area
Campground/RV Resort
Wonderful RV'n experience. Very RV friendly -- and FREE ! ! Elec. only, but good 30/50 amp service. Water available if you ask at the front of the casino but very tight maneuver and could not make it with 30' 5th wheel. Maybe try in the mornings before the cars get there. No dump or sewer of any type. But, you DO receive $5 slot play Each Day you register at the desk AND 2 - $5.00 BlackJack match play tickets if you want them .... they had suspended the free drink ticket because of people copying the tickets, but I asked and they had a host get me one anyway ! Lots to do in Marquette and fuel and grocery are handy. Good antenna tv stations, NPR and ESPN radio and good AT&T cell service. Hard to believe this is the same organization as in Baraga, MI, where there's a Fee and not nearly the same comps nor friendly atmosphere. NO limit on your stay - so we stayed a week until tanks were full - travel to Hilltop RV in Ispaming, MI for free water and dump. Highly Recommended ! !
#1 Reviewer 69 reviews
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New to RVing
Overall rating
Total Experience
RV Parking Area
Campground/RV Resort
There are seven sites. The night we stayed there were 4 campers. I didn't notice anyone staying in the parking lot but believe it would be difficult as there is quite a pitch to it so it isn't very level. The parking lot is very big and with the casino being small I doubt it would ever fill up. All sites are back-ins with electricity (50, 30 and 20 amps available). No Wi-Fi. Each site did have a picnic table. We stayed in site 3 and it was very quiet but there were a lot of trees and we could not get a DirecTV satellite signal. We did pick up some local channels with antenna. The cost was free. We found this from another post to be true too. "Now here is a rarity if you go to guest services and ask for the RV package your stay is still free but they give each member of your party $5 cash (not tokens actual cash) a free alcoholic drink ticket and two black jack coupons that when used on a winning $5 hand will pay you $ 10 instead of the normal $5. All tickets are valid on day of issue only so you have to go in everyday and re-register. " We did not eat on site. There was no restaurant but they did have a snack bar that didn't look to bad.
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5/30/11 Report from beachblue
Overall rating
Total Experience
RV Parking Area
As per the previous review this casino is very RV friendly, long sites (80 feet) that will accommodate any size rig, electric only, no limit on how long you can stay for free. No problem Memorial Day weekend in getting a site, there were always 2 or more available. Very friendly staff, I asked one of the security guys where I could get a water fill up and he told me to find him and he would run a hose out to the front of the casino for me to fill up. There is a campground 1/2 mile south that will allow you to use their dump station and water fill up for a charge of $15.

The sites were not so much dirt sites but compacted sand that drained very well even after heavy rain. My wife was expecting us to drag dirt in to our rig if it rained but we were very surprised that this did not happen due to the sand draining instantly. Our two small dogs had a great run area right behind the sites on a sand dune, also there is a superb dog friendly beach again just 1/2 mile south on M-28.

This is a smaller type of casino so does not have a restaurant but it does have a snack bar serving hot dogs, burgers sandwiches etc. Now here is a rarity if you go to guest services and ask for the RV package your stay is still free but they give each member of your party $5 cash (not tokens actual cash) a free alcoholic drink ticket and two black jack coupons that when used on a winning $5 hand will pay you $ 10 instead of the normal $5. All tickets are valid on day of issue only so you have to go in everyday and re-register. I have been to many casino campgrounds and stayed for free but this is the first one that has ever paid me to stay, everyday. Also they have 50 cent roulette with $ 10 limit inner and $25 outer.

Top 10 Reviewer 25 reviews
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August 12, 2010
Report from Norm Payne, August 12, 2010
See Ya' Down The Road

Ojibwa Casino has seven free campsites with 20-30-50 amps. The sites are long back-ins on mostly level dirt and grass and are partly shaded, but we were able to use our satellite dish. Sites are first-come, first served, so try to arrive before noon to get a site. The casino is located on highway 28 about 10 miles east of Marquette. There is no time limit on how long campers stay. The casino is small and they have a big parking lot and it is OK to boondock in the lot overnight or to wait for an open site. But most of the parking lot is unlevel.
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