Review Detail

3.6 5
Conneticut 7045
June 6, 2009
report from Mark M., June 6, 2009

We spent Memorial Day weekend 2009 at Mohegan Sun. Looks like they're doing construction, so their old RV parking area is no more. Now there is a turn off at the first traffic light as you approach the casino. The road leads to two lots for RV and oversize vehicle parking. There first lot on the right did not exclude RV's, but when we were there it was almost all tour busses and a couple of trucks.

Follow the road down the hill, then turn left up the hill, and at the top is a second lot. This seems to be the preferred parking area for RV's. Most of the time there was a security vehicle there, and the guard issues you a permit to park. No fee or anything, you just say how long you plan to stay. Mohegan Sun has some of the most friendly security people I've ever met.

The parking lot is not overly level. Spaces nearest the road are a little noisy, but middle spaces and those near the hill are more quiet. Not a lot of green around to exercise the dog, but there was some.

No more easy walk to the casino, I'm afraid, but shuttle buses ran every 10 or 15 minutes during the day, though less often at night.
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