Review Detail

4.1 11
Washington 4983
Dry Camping Rules have changed.
Overall rating
Total Experience
RV Parking Area
Campground/RV Resort
Dry camping rules have changed. A sign at the entrance to the dry camp area asks you to check in at the front desk of the hotel. When we did all they asked is "How long are you staying?". He told us we could stay 3 nights and then gave us a little yellow slip to hang in our window. No registration- asked no other information. No charge. No rules. Level gravel area- well lite- security patrols- shuttle will come. Now has a drive thru expresso stand at the entrance to dry cap area. Still the best Seafood Bar- always have the crab bisque but everything is "good eats". 20% Senior discount also. Gas station and Mini mart on property also. PLUS well tended Golf Course with driving range (must be dressed "properly"- no jeans + collars - I was denied use because I had on new black Levi's but the fellas behind me got admitted even though they were wearing dirty ragged shorts). There were no trucks overnight when we visited but I know in the past there have been trucks here.....
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