Review Detail

3.3 1
Harrah's Laughlin
Nevada 2561
Overnight at Harrah's
Since we have quite a few Total Rewards points on our Harrah's cards, we usually stay there (free food). It gripes me to pay for a place to park so in the past we told them we were hotel guests (sometimes we actually were). The last time we did this they sent us to the parking lot with the buses and trucks. So this time we decided we would bite the bullet and pay the $5 parking fee. When I checked in they wanted vehicle registration, insurance policy, driver's license, passports, birth certificate, mother's maiden name, marriage license, six forms if ID -- OK, I am exaggerating a little but not much All this just to park in their lot overnight, plus the $5 of course. I looked at Lucky Lucy and said why don't we go to Pioneer where they appreciate our business and give us free dry camping. So we did.
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