Harrah's Cherokee Casino

3.7 (1)
7010 0 2 0 0
Harrah's Cherokee Casino
Harrah's Cherokee Casino

Contact Information

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777 Casino Drive
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RV Parking and Camping Information

Overnight RV Parking Allowed:
Parking Rules:
Overnight RV Parking is no longer allowed. (May 2017)
RV Park Available:

Other Information

Local Weather

Overnight RV Parking is no longer allowed (May 2017)


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User reviews

1 review
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RV Parking Area
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RV parking across the street
There is a house with huge grass yard/field across from the Casino that has a sign. $3 a day for parking. There were 5 or 6 RV's there. We parked for a day. Can easily stay over night a few days.
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No more free ride
Things have drastically changed since my last post on this casino. We asked to park in the parking lot way out back after driving 5 hours and it was dark by the time we arrived and security told us they would tow if we were not out by 11 pm. They did allow us to stay in their overflow across the street until daylight to allow us to find a campsite. If you have a camper van however, it must be ok to park in the "No RV or truck area"... Size matters. :)
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I visited Cherokee again May 20,2017 for 4 days, this time without my RV. I observed the same sign at the entrance to the casino that I observed in March when I was there last, "No overnight" RV parking. The entire 4 days I spent in and around the casino, there were RV's parked out in the parking lot, jacks down, slides out and one in particular that was there for at least 3 days in a row. I believe the sign is used as a deterrent only but obviously they won't kick you out.
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March 2017
Overall rating
Total Experience
RV Parking Area
We stopped at Harrahs Cherokee in March for an over night on our way home. Nice quiet parking lot for a Thursday afternoon. Parking lot was huge so we parked next to the river out of the way. We let the jacks down and slides out but that was it. No awnings or chairs or coolers. It appeared no shuttle was running at the time of our arrival. Casino staff was very nice as I arrived to play the slots and very receptive to us camping over night. Never tried their food selections so I can't comment on that. There is smoking and non smoking. The slots were pretty generous to me that night. Walking out at 3 a.m. I asked "security" if they could escort me to my rv since I had a substantial amount of money on me and was told no I had to walk. They only provide shuttle service on the weekends. I didn't ask for shuttle service, I asked politely for security and denied again. I took it from that, they don't have security patrolling the lots at night. But he did tell me if I got mugged they would have it on camera. Winning the house money made his sarcastic attitude worth the trip and walking alone some 150 yards away ok!
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December 19, 2008
report from Karen B, December 19, 2008
We stopped Harrah's in Cherokee for the night and noticed that they've changed the sign to limit overnight parking to one night. That seems to clear up the question of whether overnighting is allowed.
Indians casinos are usually pretty relaxed though and I think that longer stays would be approved by asking in the casino. Also the construction hasn't interfered with the RV parking area although it has made the walk a little longer as Wayne E. reports. They're building a gravel, concrete and boardwalk pathway to make it easier to get from the parking to the casino if you walk instead of taking the shuttle.
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