Grand Casino Hotel Resort

3.2 (6)
3553 0 1 0 0

User reviews

6 reviews
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1 star
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RV Parking Area
Campground/RV Resort
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11 results - showing 6 - 10
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$50 NOW if you hook up!
Previously: you chose a site, hooked up & then went to Casino gift shop for up to 3 nights Free. Now the Hotel manages and if you Hook up- YOU PAY $50. You can stay for free (boon docking) and park with the semi's.
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No Longer Free Camping - Unsure how much the fee will be
Two reports posted on forums, one Facebook, the other the CasinoCamper Yahoo Group:
Bob on FB Said: "RV'ers Beware: Just for your information, the Grand Casino, Hotel & Resort at Shawnee OK charges $50/night for camper/motor home hookup. The sites don't even include sewer. In our 3 years of fulltiming, we have never paid that much for a site. Our friends, who also are fulltimers, have parked & hooked up here before at a site for FREE (like many casinos do). The casino stated that it just changed a couple of weeks ago. We wouldn't have stayed here except the wind is fierce. We WILL NOT stay again, that is for certain! Please feel free to copy and paste and put on your blogs, facebook, etc"

When I posted it to the CasinoCamper Yahoo Group Jeri said: "I forwarded the message to a fellow RVer who knows the RV manager at the casino in Shawnee. He said they will be changing the rate. It was a screw-up for sure and only done a couple weeks ago. She wasn't sure what amount. He asked suggestions. She said $15 but who knows what it will be. However, it won't be anywhere close to $50 I'm sure."
Top 10 Reviewer 25 reviews
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May 2011
Overall rating
Total Experience
RV Parking Area
We parked here May 20, 2011. It was a busy Friday night, but we were able to find an RV site arriving late in the afternoon. Water and electric were easy to hookup and worked well. Gambling and dining options were many. (Free soft drinks and soft serve ice cream always available in the casino).
Check in at the gift shop and get a free parking pass. A dump station is available at the entrance end of the RV parking area. Shuttle came by regularly.
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October 22, 2008
- report from D & L Sand, October 22, 2008

We are currently in this casino's RV parking area and are loving it because we have friends here. It is not fancy but it is free. The only negative we have found is that the dump is up on a curbed area so gravity may need a little assist. We have room to open our slide but whether or not we can open our awning depends on what rig is parked next to us. So far, so good.

Our computer's EVDO card gets a good signal here. Your parking permit is good for three days but it can be renewed many times. Every three days we take the shuttle to the casino, have dinner in the steak house, and renew our permit. You don't have to spend any money here, though. After all, it's a casino that's betting on making money on you; it's only fair they lose every once in a while. :)

Casino Camper Comment: Spending money is optional, and casinos realize that not everyone gambles. Most of them are happy if RVers and truckers come in and eat.
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April 2008
- report from FastEagle, April 2008

At Shawnee, OK we stayed at the Firelake Grand Casino on the Shawnee Indian Reservation. All sites there were paved and big long back-ins with 50 amp electrical service and water. They are not numbered and when you get there just take any available site. Then get a shuttle to the casino's main entrance, go to the gift shop and get a permit. You can stay up to three nights free with the permit.

The sites are large enough to get all your slides out and long enough to stay connected. When you leave you can get 3 cents per gal of fuel discount at the service station. The casino is new, very modern and very nice everything. It's what you would expect of a Grand Casino.
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11 results - showing 6 - 10
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