Coeur D'Alene Casino Resort

3.8 (3)
2834 0 1 0 1

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October 17, 2009
Report from Jim E., October 17, 2009

Concerning the CDA Casino in Idaho. The Casino is not in Coeur d'Alene Idaho. It is about 25 miles south on US 95. Near Worley Idaho, and toward Moscow and Lewiston Idaho. Instructions on how to get there are on there internet site which you have listed. Foster Ave is in Coeur d'Alene itself. which is on I-90.
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May 17, 2008
report from G. Smith, May 17, 2008

Another casino we enjoyed was in Coeur D'Alene, Idaho, we spent 3 nights dry camping there. They used to have full hook-ups but then it was abused by people "camping out there" and not visiting the casino, they just found a spot to live. So they closed that, but do allow dry camping, very nice casino, also won some money there.
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7 results - showing 6 - 7
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