Review Detail

3.7 9
Oregon 5557
Chinook Winds March 24th 2016
Overall rating
Total Experience
RV Parking Area
March 24th, Chinook Winds Casino (44 59.954 124 0.353).
Entry a little difficult, turning left off the very busy 101 at a traffic light onto a side street, thence into the casino parking areas. There is a special one for RVS, featuring steeply angled parking, so I didn’t really like it right off the bat.
The best thing about this place was the surf. Huge waves were crashing in to the beach, something I could watch all day The casino itself is huge with a hotel and conference center included in the main buildings.
Walking through the buffet on the second floor, I was quite impressed at the selection – everything looked very good. Luckily, I wasn’t having lunch so managed to escape without adding further to the girth.
Exit back onto the highway north involved a mandatory right turn on 101 (heading south) followed by a series of left turns and a scenic tour of Lincoln City Parks and residential areas before I could get myself pointed north again. No doubt, there is a different exit that would have served me better
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