Review Detail

1.5 1
New Mexico 2066
May 11, 2008
(Updated: November 10, 2010)
- report from Sean and Louise, May 11, 2008

We stayed at the Apache Nugget on 5/11/2008. Well, more accurately, we stayed in the large gravel parking lot immediately across 537, which appears to be the designated truck parking for the casino and also the highway rest area. Yes, you read that correctly: Our AAA map clearly showed a highway rest area at this very same corner, and we reasoned that, if the casino did not allow overnight stays, that we would just stay at the rest area instead. We were somewhat surprised, then, to find that they were one and the same, with "Rest Area" displayed prominently on the casino's lighted sign. The rest area seems to consist of a pair of concrete tee-pees with concrete picnic tables and a set of restrooms, all in the same parking lot as the casino itself, a metal-and-vinyl affair resembling nothing so much as a circus tent.

We did ask security about spending the night. They were very concerned about us staying in the truck lot across the street, as the casino is not open 24 hours, and that lot is neither lit nor under their video surveillance. They invited us to stay, instead, in the back lot of the casino, after registering at the security desk. We prefer it dark, so we stayed where we were, but those concerned about light and security have the option of staying on the casino premises instead. We were only planning on one night, so we did not inquire about stay limits.

The casino itself is tiny, a handful of machines (no tables) occupying half the tent. The remaining space is given to a small grill, the Tsé Café, serving burgers, sandwiches, and fry bread, a small gift and smoke shop, and restrooms.

-Sean and Louise
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