Review Detail

1.0 2
Aqua Caliente Casino RV Parking
California 8472
March 4, 2007
(Updated: November 01, 2010)
Casino Camper Update, March 4, 2007


Previously, based on a phone conversation I had with casino security, we had reported that overnight RV parking was OK. One of our readers, Stephen H., stopped in and was told he couldn't park there anytime. Stephen emailed the casino and received the following reply which clears up the confusion.

"...our policy recently changed to allow RV's to park on property. The Bike Officers should be informing guests when they arrive where to park (Northeast & East Guest Parking Lots) and that we do not allow overnight parking."

Thanks to Stephen, and my apologies for getting it wrong the first time. There are several RV Friendly casinos in this area, and I recommend visiting one of them for an overnight stay
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